Make Money Selling Warcraft Gold

Okay this one is weird, but, it's fun and it works. There are over eleven million (yes 11 million) WoW (World of Warcraft) gamers actively playing with digital orcs and demons everyday. Many of them will buy the in-game money. You could make a decent living out of it, like the many Chinese WoW gold farmers already out there.

First make a WoW account at: "" for a 10 day trial. You will then have to pay monthly about $15.00 to keep playing. When you start playing you just have to do the tutorial and it will show you how your player can farm for gold. When you get enough gold, how much is up to you, you can then sell at places like "", "" and "". The more you play the better you will get at farming gold and selling it for a higher price.

So who knew you could make money from an online game. WoW.

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