Fluke Millionaire #1

Do you ever ask yourself, "Why is it so hard to become a millionaire?", I know I do. Apparently, it's not too hard. Here is a guy who became a millionaire just by making a simple website.

Alex Tew, a university student in England needed money to pay for schooling fees, and what did he do?. He made a website called milliondollarhomepage.com, which is basically a website that charges a person $1 per pixel to advertise their business or cause with an image that links to their site. It was a matter of months, that the site began to pick up hype and media attention from around the world, and soon the pixels were all sold out. To be fair, the last 1000 pixels were auctioned off on ebay to the highest bidders. The Million Dollar Homepage made a gross total of $1,037,100 in five months.

Okay. So even I was like, "darn I should have thought of that", because it sounds so dang simple. But, I guess when you snooze you lose.

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